

By July 23, 2024 No Comments

The decarbonisation space needs a paradigm shift from within the industry, so in 2018, ASCON Group GmbH which is traditionally a fossil fuel trader, embarked on a brazen transformation to have a unit dedicated to sustainable, decarbonisation solutions, developing high-quality carbon offsets and delivering Net Zero.

ASCON Limestone Carbonation Carbon Capture And Carbon Cured Cement Storage™ (ALCCCACCCS™), a carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology, utilises a process where limestone is heated up in a technical readiness level nine (TRL 9) carbonator that converts the limestone into calcium oxide, whereby a flue gas with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is passed through the reactor. In essence 100% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) has an affinity to the calcium oxide, impregnating the calcium oxide and ultimately this exothermic reaction results in the conversion of the calcium oxide to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) which is used as a feedstock for carbon cured cement to achieve permanent carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in the built environment and enhanced weathering applications. The heat from the exothermic reaction is harvested in a heat exchanger, creating a negative energy balance for the next carbonator cycles, with the carbon cured cement, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) monetisation giving a zero rating for the ALCCCACCCS™ Levelised Cost of Carbon Capture (LCOCC).

ASCON is also embarking on ALCCACCCS Research Demonstration & Development (RD&D) for carbon dioxide, methane, carbon black (PM 2.5), fluorines, fluorocarbons, fugitive hydrogen emissions, white hydrogen and methane Direct Air Capture (DAC). ASCON is looking to work with the automotive industry on carbon capture pilots for internal combustion engines (ICEs), with limestone recharge and/or carbon dioxide discharge points for calcium carbonate analogous to electrical vehicle charging stations.

With a Scotland focus, ASCON is outsourcing steel fabrication/assembly/testing/certification of the ASCON Limestone Carbonation Carbon Capture And Carbon Cured Cement Storage™ (ALCCCACCCS™), carbon dioxide (CO2) capture technology retrofits in Scotland to achieve a “Made in Scotland” local content. Our Scotland journey earmarks a Q4 2027 commissioning of the ASCON Scotland Carbon Dioxide, Methane Capture Hub & Centre of Excellence.

In this series of posts, the first on the carbon cycle, ASCON is sharing knowledge as the climate change precipice requires stakeholders to explore synergies, deciminate succinct data, facts and ensure knowledge transfer especially to the Global South. ASCON is more than willing to license out the ALCCCACCCS™ Net Zero technology and install for free in developing countries to mitigate Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms (CBAM) tariffs on their exports which are crucial to developing countries GDP.

Carbon Cycle Infographic_v5.3 san